Background Information

This deck features the golem and the rocket.  This is a big risk deck because it involves a lot of elixir for a steady stream of chip damage.,


The average elixir cost for this deck is an even 3.6 and the following cards used are:


IceSpiritCardIce Spirits-  The ice spirits can be a great card to use in conjunction with the hog.  The ice spirits can be compared to the zap spell because both of those cards stun enemy buildings or troops.  However, unlike the zap spell, the fire spirit does not cost two elixir.  Instead, it is half as expensive and only costs you one elixir to use.  In addition to that bonus, the fire spirit’s stun ability lasts twice as long as the zap spell.  Because of these two stats on the ice spirit, the ice spirit is worth about four times as much as the zap spell is per elixir.  However, there is one downside to using the ice spirit over the zap spell.  The ice spirit, unlike the zap spell, can easily be countered.  The ice s[irit can be countered by almost anything from direct damage spells like the zap spell, the arrows, the fire ball, and the rocket.  The ice spirit is also very fragile against any sp[lash damageing troops because even if they target your own hog rider, the splash damage effect can still kill your ice spirit since the ice spirit has such a low health point stat.  Some splash damage troops that can kill your ice spirit is the wizard, the baby dragon, th ice wizard, the princess, the bomber, the witch, and the valkyrie.  Because of this, using the ice spirit is a risk reward type troop.  If the ice spirit does get its stuf off before it dies, it is well worth it and you have a four times effectiveness when compared to the zap spell.  However, if it dies it has a zero effectiveness when compared to the zap spell.  If you find that your opponents are countering your ice spirit more times than not, you make want to switch to the zap spell.  Switching to the zap spell will garuentee that you will get a stun on each of your pushes every single time.  The zap spell will also get you a little more damage that is also reliable.

BarbariansCardBarbarians– The barbarians costs five Elixir.  This is best used to counter Princes, P.E.K.K.A, and the Hog Rider. They are also an extremely helpful distraction for smaller troops that can do major damage if left untouched, like the Minions, Spear Goblins and the Goblin combo.  Also, the Barbarians can help defend against the  dark prince if the situation is desperate, but is not recommended counter since the Dark Prince is a pretty good Barbarian destroyer.  The barbarians can also counter a miner.  All you have to do is place the barbarians where the miner will pop out and only one of your defending barbarians will get killed,  If the Barbarians are set on top of the much feared Sparky, they can easily destroy it, and you will gain a major Elixir advantage.  The barbarians in this deck is for defense though.  If the enemy spawns in a hog rider, send your barbarians just in front of the contested arena or crown tower.  If you do this perfectly, the hog rider will get no damage onto your tower.  Usually though, the enemy hog rider will squeeze through and be able to get one shot off.  Additionally, if the enemy combines a fireball, zap, or fire spirit and zap combo,l they will be able to get a lot more damage off onto your tower so be very careful about what they have to support the hog rider and make adjustments accordingly.  If they send in a prince, the barbarians are a great hard counter to him and will kill the enemy prince with ease.  In my opinion, the Barbarians are one of the biggest staple cards in the game.  The barbarians are extremely vulnerable to splash damage units like the bomber, the Valkyrie, the witch, the fire spirits, the sparky, and the baby dragon.  The barbarians are also very vulnerable to most direct damage spells such as the fire ball and the lightning spell.

GolemCardGolem– The golem is your main tank and what your deck revolves around.  The golem is your only tank in your deck and you should treat him in that way.  You should not start any major offensive pushes without him leading your assault.  Also, your deck is basically going to be a defensive deck until double elixir hits.  Once double elixir hits though, your deck will shine.  Another tip when using the golem is to spawn him at the very back of your base.  This lets you gain more elixir before the golem crosses the bridge into danger and you are able to get an even bigger push started.  In over time or double elixir, you have the possibility of sending out enough golems where there is two golems on the field at once! this makes it very difficult for your opponent because what every the put down to defend will get distracted by your golems while your supporting and high damage troops will kill them quickly.  If you do get two golems down in double elixir, it is not unusual to get a three star victor with that push.  If you have two golems down, it is almost a guarantees an arena or crown tower destroyed.  The golem is very vulnerable to any air troop that targets enemy troops like the minions, the minion horde, and the baby dragon.  The golem is also very vulnerable to high damage troops like the barbarians, the prince, the pekka, the wizard, and the mini pekka.  The golem is only vulnerable to one defensive tower and that is the inferno tower because of its scaling damage.  The golem can’t attack troops and only goes for enemy buildings, structures, or other arena or crown towers.

SpearGoblinSpear Goblins-  The spear goblin card is one of the most basic troops in the game.  For being one of the first cards to be unlocked in the game, it is surprising how well they perform.  The Spear Goblins not only can defend against goblins, enemy Spear Goblins, and Minions in a on verse one with the help of your Tower, but it can also be used at the very beginning.  If the Spear Goblins are used right at the start, you force your opponent to either react to them by placing a much more expensive troop, leaving an option to have a hard counter ready, or make them just watch those Spear Goblins chip 300 damage off their tower.  300 may not seem like a whole bunch, but do that 2 or three times in a match, and you got yourself 1000 free chip damage.  The Spear Goblins can also kill a Princess that is on the bridge very quickly as long as the princess is distracted.  If the princess is not distracted and you deploy the spear goblins, they will die before they can kill the princess, making you basically waste three elixir.  On a very good note however, you can do an advanced move with these spear goblins.  the spear goblins, just like your minions, are one of your only air targeting units.  You should save your spear goblins just to counter any balloons or lava hounds they may have.  If you see that their deck does not have any of those cards, you can use the spear goblins like you normally would.The spear goblins are extremely vulnerable to splash damage units like the bomber, the Valkyrie, the witch, the bowler, the fire spirits, and the baby dragon.  The spear goblins are also very vulnerable to any direct damage spells such as the fire ball, the arrows, and the lightning spell.

FireSpiritsCardFire Spirits-  The fire spirits are your other splash damage card.  The reason why they are not your only splash damage card is because they die when they give out damage.  This makes it hard for them to support a push all the way through because once they run into a troop, they no longer can support your push.  However, their damage is insane for only two elixir.  Their damage exceeds 500 and can be put out all withing one second.  This lets the fire spirits easily kill bunched up troops very easily like skeletons, spear goblins, and the regular goblins.  It can take out equal level spear goblins, skeletons, or regular shank goblins with only one out of the three fire spirits that are present.  This means that this one card that only costs two elixir can kill all three of those cards costing a combined total of five elixir.  The fire spirits can also nearly take down barbarians to the grave.  The fire spirits can make the barbarian’s health points go so low that your arena tower can finish them off with out taking any damage.  This gives you a three elixir value and a great quick reaction counter to swarm troops.  The fire spirits can also help strengthen your anti air defense against any minions or minion hordes.  However, they do not do well against higher health air troops like the lava hound or the balloon because they lack sustained damage.  The fire spirits do not do well against high health singular targets like the pekka, prince, or balloon.  They also are countered by the zap spell.  It does a so so job against troops that have medium health like the mini pekka, musketeer, and wizard.

BomberCardBomber-  This little skeleton with a bomb is show in in another low arena deck of mine because I think it is the best splash damage in the game as of arena two or the bone pit.  It is the cheapest ground bound splash damage buy far trailing the witch at five elixir.  You do not need to use the baby dragon because air based splash damage is not really needed at this point and time.  The only splash damage for air would be the three elixir minions but that is a very little problem because you can defend them easily with the spear goblins.  Since the barbarians are unlocked in this arena, the bomber is stronger than ever now.  It can kill the whole group of barbarians without the help of your towers.  He does so much splash damage at such a high rate of fire that the barbarians will just get absolutely melted.  Also, by playing the bomber on the barbarians, it will grant you a three elixir advantage.The bomber is so frequent in my deck because at this stage many people use all the small hit point troops like the archer, spear goblins, and the regular shank goblins.  Having the bomber in your deck will make those three cards very useless to your opponent and make them very annoyed.  Additionally, the bomber is great at supporting pushes that involve the giant because the bomber’s range allows him to shoot bombs past the giant skeleton.  Also, if the bomber gets locked onto the tower will full health, he will do a lot of damage for the price of three elixir.  Be careful though, the bomber can be killed using direct damage spells like the lightning spell or the fire ball.  The bomber is extremely weak against point damage troops like the prince and the mini pekka and is also weak against air troops like the baby dragon and minions.

imgresGoblins- This troop can is an all star.  It is a jack of all trades in the sense that it can fill a ton of roles.  If you need to defend from barbs, Spear goblins combined with either the fire spirits or spear goblins can take them out as long as the fight happens on your side of the tower.  They can also support your hog in a push.  When you do this, the damage is not coming from the hog anymore, it is coming from the goblins.  These goblins may not seem like much, but over a few seconds they can whittle a tower down to half health with the help of the hog rider.  Also, the goblins can defend from enemy hog riders, princes, and pekkas.  Another use for them is that combined with the zap, it can take down a pesky sparky with easy.  Just make sure you zap the sparky first or they will die instantly.  The goblins are also a very cheap troop which lets you keep getting you hog faster.  The Goblins, along with most swarm grown troops, can be used to pig push the Hog.  Pig pushing will be explained in the hog section of this article.


This deck does not use any towers.  If you feel more comfortable with at least one tower though, you can switch the regular goblins up for a cannon.  This keeps your deck still relatively cheap but still effective.  The cannon will make your deck more defensive while the goblins will make your deck more offensive focused.

