Dear Clash Royale Writers,

First of all let me share my excitement with all of you about this project. I’m sure you all know how popular Clash of Clans became and now that Clash Royale is even better well let’s just hope we get a nice fan-based website up and running. I will be investing some promotion efforts in in and with your help as authors I hope we can grow big enough to attract many returning Clash Royale fans.

If you haven’t heard about WordPress as a content management system here is a video that shows you how to write and submit your articles:

The most important item from the menu for you would be “Add new” in Posts and the dashboard which will include some interesting elements like statistics and a contact form to contact us easier. You will see another Menu Item below “Post Pay Counter”. Here you can see all of your published posts and how much you’re being owned. Keep in mind though that all of your posts will first have to be reviewed by an Editor before they appear in your Post Pay Counter.

Here is a fan kit provided by Supercell that you can use to upload related images in your posts: (thanks to our loyal member Elijah for this great find)

Frequently Asked Questions:


1. What kind of articles should we write?

– Right now anything is accepted. Anything that can be fit in the category of strategies, tips, decks.. Whatever it is only Clash Royale. After you submit your first few articles and more categories are developer things may start to change. But for now, you have the freedom to choose what you want to write about that you think it would be interesting to a Clash Royale fan. Don’t be afraid to go wild here! 🙂

2. I would like to write ONLY for news category.

– As I explained earlier there will be one news category and there will be only one writer assigned to it. This job is not filled yet and since a few applied for it already I would still like to choose the writer for this position based on what type of article will they submit in the other categories. Keep in mind that since the news category requires less effort in writing it(it’s essentially rewriting) it will be paid at a lower rate. So apply for it only if you think you can spend little time per each write up, but consistently day by day.

3. How will payments be calculated?

– Every single word you write is being calculated automatically and taken into the final sum of the article. So if you write a 1000 words article and your rate per word is set at $0.005, you will get paid $5 for that article(excluding images). Currently everyone is starting at a lower rate of $0.003 per word, but keep in mind the rate will be increased depending on the quality you provide. Uploaded images are also taken into account and will cost around the price of 10 words. But also please keep in mind that calculating the images is primarily made to inspire writers in creating unique images like screenshots and/or custom made graphics that can accompany the article. Ready-made images(from google images or similar source) will also be accepted if seen fit, but please try to find only quality images with good resolution and without watermarks. Also try to avoid copyrighted images(except for the Supercell brand which is approved)

4. How will I get paid?

– PayPal is currently the only preferred solution. If you don’t have an account please google how to create it and go for it. It’s not that hard and you should be up and running in a few days. You would also have to confirm your credit card in your PayPal account, so that may take some time. Just follow their instructions and you should be fine. If PayPal is not supported in your country try and see if you can open up an account with Skrill. But please try to get familiar with it first and see if you can use it to withdraw you funds from it.

5. When will I get paid

– The current schedule is set to monthly. The payments will be sent each month between 1 and 5.

6. I don’t have PayPal. Is there any other way of sending payments?

– Some users have complained that for various reasons can’t use PayPal. Some of them requested to be paid by amazon gift cards or iTunes gift cards. This is most certainly possible and everything that can be bought online as a compensation can be used as a payment method.

7. Are there any fees in payments?

– PayPal imposes fees of 2.9% plus $0.30 of the amount you receive. That’s something that can’t be avoided I’m afraid.

8. I want to promote myself as a writer. Do you plan to give us the opportunity?

– Of course! If you want to get your name out there I would be happy to support you! I can add a short bio author box beneath each post you have published. It will look something like this:

9. Can I share my published posts?

– You most certainly can and are encouraged to do so! It would be best for the website itself and for you if you can share your link with the article in forums, social networks like Facebook, twitter etc. Just please be careful not be spammy when posting it! 🙂