Background Information
This deck is catered to all the starters out there. I did not include any epics in this deck even though you get one just so everyone could use it. If I put the baby dragon in here, which is one of the four epics displayed, only about 25 percent of the people who just started and are reading the article could use it. If you do want to use what ever epic you did get though, skeleton army, witch, prince, or baby dragon, I recommend replacing the knight with the epic you currently have. Hopefully this will help you learn some basic strategies and improve your overall game play. This deck is fairly balanced and should be able to get you to the next arena.
This deck has an average elixir of 3.8 and contains the following cards:
Giant- The giant is your only major tank in the deck. The only other mini tank in this deck would be the knight and the knights is not nearly as strong as the giant. The best strategy with the giant is to spawn it right behind your own king’s tower. This way, once the giant gets to the bridge you made the giant’s elixir cost and have another 10 elixir to spend. After that, you can put other support troops and high damage troops behind the tower. To get a good push, you should have both anti air troops, a splash damage troop, and a point damage troop. You want an anti air troop so they cannot just send minions and destroy your whole push unharmed. You also want a splash damage troop so your enemy can’t over whelm you with small spamming units. Finally, you also want a point damage troop just to get a lot of damage on the tower, and to kill and high health troop they try defending with. Now, that is an ideal situation, but most attacks do not end in an ideal situation. What ends up happening is that you usually have a troop that can fill up multiple roles. For example, the wizard can fill up the positions of being the splash damage, and also fill up the position of being the anti air troop. The musketeer can also fill up two positions. The musketeer can act like an anti air troop and a point damage troop. The giant will act as the tank in these pushes, soaking up nearly all the damage while the troops behind the giant will help create lots of damage. Because though, do not put a ton of low health troops behind the giant because your enemy can just arrow those troops and make a huge elixir profit. A recommended push I suggest is the giant, the musketeer, and the bomber. This is my favorite combo for this deck because it covers each type of counter and defense very well.
Archers- The archers are your only other anti air troop in this deck besides the musketeer. Because of this, you should save them to
help counter your enemy’s minions. However, since you are in such a low arena right now, you probably do not need to worry about minions or any other type of air troop so you can pretty much use them whenever you want to. The archers are fairly strong for only costing three elixir and can kill enemy spear goblins, and shank goblins from your opponent’s army. I think archers are pretty underrated because if they get onto your enemy’s tower undamaged, they can do a surprising amount of damage. At my level, archers can take off a few hundred hit points if they get to the tower uncontested. An additional strategy with archers is to split them up, meaning making them go on opposite sides. This is done but spawning the archers in the middle. This will make your opponent have to defend both sides instead of one. You may have to play with the placement a little but the picture to the right helps show how to do this. If you draw a horizontal line connecting the two groups of barbarians, you will find that the meeting point of those two horizontal lines is where you want to place your archers. Just imagine those barbarians in the picture are you archers. Splitting your archers also makes it more difficult and more expensive for your enemy to counter. Also, they will not be able to tell which lane you are going to push and which lane you are going to bluff.
Bomber- The bomber is the best splash damage troop right when you get out of the training arena. It remains the best splash damage troop besides the valkyrie for a long time. Because this is your only splash damage troop in your deck, you should save this troop when your enemy sends a big swarm to your side of the field. The bomber can take your enemy’s push out very quickly and give you a huge elixir profit. This troop is also a ranged troop so if you are countering the opponents swarm push, make sure to send your bomber a little bit further away than where the push is so the bomber can make maximum use of its range. If you put the bomber to close to the enemy’s assault, the bomber will die before it even has a chance to deploy one of his deadly packages. The bomber is a great pushing unit when it is behind your giant or knight because most of your opponents troops will have low health points. This will allow the bomber to easily clean up any oncoming goblins, spear goblins, or archers and help your push move forward undisturbed. At only three elixir, the bomber can easily make its elixir cost back and do some nice damage to the tower. If the bomber reaches the tower by itself with no damage done to it, you can expect a nice 400 damage against your opponents crown tower or arena tower. This is because the bomber’s shot does about 200 damage per bomb thrown.
Musketeer- The musketeer is the main damage dealer besides your mini pekka. The musketeer is your only long range, anti air damage dealer so it makes her a little more special. She is very good behind a giant or knight because her high, ranged damage lets her take down recently deployed troops very quickly. If your opponent decides to spawn in spear goblins to counter a knight and musketeer push, one or two of those spear goblins will die before they even get one spear thrown because of how big the musketeers range is and because of how high the musketeer’s damage per bullet is. The musketeer is fairly weak in terms of health points which make sense because her damage is very high. This can result in a same level fireball killing her though. Be careful because if you send a bomber, knight, and musketeer all you damage can be taken out with a single fireball, giving your opponent a huge elixir advantage. This goes the same for a giant, bomber, musketeer push. The fireball can kill the bomber and the musketeer. Its defensive abilities are very good too because it can hide behind your crown tower or arena tower while doing a lot of damage to the attacking troops. The musketeer will be able to kill a whole army of small troops without taking much damage and also the musketeer will not let the arena or crown tower take much damage. Later on, there is a card called the three musketeers which basically spawns three of these single musketeers. They have the same stats per level as this card does so they can be taken out just as easily. The three musketeers do cost five more elixir but that card does come out with two more musketeers than this one. This single musketeer card is a very good option to have in a new, beginner deck because of its high damage, long range, ability to hit air troops, and how versatile it is in many situations.
Mini Pekka- The mini pekka is your biggest and hardest hitter when it comes to damage per swing or shot. The mini pekka can one shot many troops at this arena because every troop is fairly weak. It can one shot the bomber, spear goblins, arches, goblins, and nearly kill the musketeer in a single swing. This may seem super powerful, but little troops fight back too. If the goblins and spear goblins are combined to counter the mini pekka, the small troops will easily win because those swarm troops just outnumber the mini pekka. Because the mini pekka takes a long time to actually hit its target, it does better in a one versus one fight against a higher health opponent than a two or three versus one when those troops have lower health points. This is because whn facing a higher health point troop, it uses up all its damage potential. When the mini pekka faces a very weak troop in regards to health points, the pekka may only use 20 percent of its full damage to kill that troop. This means that after every swing, 80 percent of the damage it can have is wasted on air. A good combo rush to have is the mini pekka and bomber. The bomber solves the mini pekka’s weakness of small swarm troops because the bomber does high splash damage. and the mini pekka can take out any high health troop with the help of the bomber within a second. This push can easily get the mini pekka to the enemy’s tower and award you a lot of damage. In this push, the mini pekka would act like the tank. Another good combination is the baby dragon and mini pekka or the witch and the mini pekka. Both of these strategies have a splash damage unit to support the mini pekka so the mini pekka can get to the tower. The baby dragon would act as the tank in its relative push and the mini -pekka would act as the tank if it was being supported by the witch.
Knight- The knight is your only other tank like card other than the giant. It only costs three elixir so if you play him instead of the giant, you will be able to make a greater push with more support or damage troops. The knight has decent health and cane get your troops to the tower most of the time. It is very good in one on one situations because it has a high health point stat and a fast git rate stat. This leads to the knight beating the spear goblins in a one v one battle. However, since it does have a lot less health points compared to the giant, this tank can be killed rather easily by a mini pekka or a musketeer with the help of your arena or crown towers. Also, since it is a ground bound tank, minions or any other air troop like the baby dragon will have no problem what so ever killing the knight. The knight also attacks the closest thing to it so it can be distracted very easily. This is different from the giant because the giant always goes to the closest building. IT never gets distracted in lower arenas because towers have not been unlocked yet.
This deck uses no towers and you are not able to own and towers. It may be smart to include defensive towers once you are in a high enough arena though.
Arrows- The arrows is a great starting card to start learning about direct damage spells. It has a very large radius which can help you learn about timing. Arrows are also a very good card because at training arena and arena one, most of your enemy’s troops are very weak so the arrows with its splash damage can help you with crowd control. If the arrows are used in the right situation and timed well, you can get a massive elixir advantage on your opponent. Arrows can also do a little damage to the crown or arena towers but it is not recommended to hit their arena or crown towers alone. If you do shoot at their towers, make sure the arrows also hit other troops or that the arrows will destroy the tower. Also, do not hit the king’s tower with arrows or your will make it a lot harder for yourself to get the first tower down. Remember that arrows do less damage to crown or arena towers when compared to the troop damage so keep an eye on the stats of your card.
Fire Ball- The fire ball is also a great starting card. It also has a fairly large radius of direct damage so the fire ball is pretty easy to use. It is however smaller than the radius of the arrows card so you have to be a little more accurate. The fireball does a lot more damage so it can kill a lot more different types of troops. It can kill everything that the arrows can kill or severely injure and also kill the bomber and severely injure the musketeer. IT can also take the mini pekka down to about half health. The same goes with the fire ball when shooting at the crown or arena tower. The fire ball can also do moderate damage to the crown or arena towers but it is not recommended to hit their arena or crown towers alone. If you do shoot at their towers, make sure the fire ball also hits other troops or that the fireball will destroy the tower. Also, do not hit the king’s tower with arrows or your will make it a lot harder for yourself to get the first tower down. Remember that fire ball does less damage to crown or arena towers when compared to the troop damage so keep an eye on the stats of your fire ball.